29.September, Fiera di San Michele in Prada Bassa, frazione di San Zeno di Montagna in provincia di Verona.

In May cows and heifers are conducted on the Monte Baldo pastures. Throughout the summer it comes to life the world of alpine pastures. To sanction every year, for centuries, the term alpine, since today a mountain festival full of life: the animal festival of San Michél in “Prada Bassa”.

Even today, as in the old days, the Prada festival is the time for the meeting of the mountaineers, the herdsmen. The opportunity to take assessment on the results of the grazing season or to close contracts, or purchase of tools and furnishings.

Traditional and rustic dishes are “Trippe in Brodo” – a kind of beef tripe soup -, be eaten also early in the morning.

At lunch, in the restaurants, tradition dictates turkey and cabbage.

Turkey and cabbage belong to the world of the pasture. The large free-range as a snake hunter around the huts. The vegetable, easy to grow and good resistance to coldness, as a valuable source of vitamins both raw and salted.

At the end of the alpine, as they have to leave mountain and huts, both end up inevitably in the pan.Turkey is cooked or baked served in accompaniment of cabbage salat and butter braised white cabbage.

The party goes on until late in the evening with songs and dances.

Mappa Fiera di San Michele in Prada
