The first sure evidence of Pai goes back to the beginning of the X cent.
The oldest nucleus, still wellpreserved in its environment, is found sheltering in the lower foothills of Baldo.

Of the ancient fortified complex destoyed by one of Barbarossa’s invasions into Italy, remains perhaps the parish church,
amplified in the XVII cent. inside are XIV-XV cent. frescoes as well as XVIII cent. painting on canvas.

In more recent times some of the inhabitants moved to the shore giving origin to Pai di sotto.
Close by, near the cemetery, is the little church of San Gregorio, until 1400 considered the parish church.
Here to be admired are a magnificient XIII-XIV cent. sequence of votive frescoes.

Rif.: Professor Giorgio Vedovelli – “Itinerari alle incisioni rupestri di Torri del Benaco e Garda”
